Sunday, March 8, 2009

headline news: farmers report pigs flying - record cold in hell - united states elect black president

Good morning. If you'll notice, these 3 things that people said would never happen, are happening. You know what that means. We're moving to idaho. I said I would never return and now I am eating my words. Brent, all those birthday wishes have paid off. Jess and I are relocating to hailey idaho to work at cox cable. Im actually very excited about it. Part of that excitement comes from the fact that I will not have to manage lowlifes anymore. I thought managing apartments would be fun but I really can't stand it. Im a baby sitter. A lot of these people are twice my age and whining for me to fix every single problem. Sure, people aren't allowed to have dogs but if they're keeping you up then you have a problem with them. Don't come whining to me. Knock on the door and THEN let me know. I can make them get rid of the dog but that doesn't mean you have to stay up all night. That's why God gave us the broom. To pound the cieling. Anyway. Im very glad to be getting out. Tacoma will always be my home and maybe this move will make me appreciate this town more. I also think this will be a good oppurtunity for me to shed some excess poundage. Recently I've been on the heavier side. So after my mealtime purge I have been trying to run. That hasn't worked out so well. But I do love riding bikes on the bike path. So that's what ill do. Anyway yeah that's it. Also...yeah no that's it.


Jeremy said...

That's awesome, I'm excited for you guys!

Remember to bring your sunglasses because the sun is usually out.

Brent Hope said...

I can't wait for you guys to come out here!! Hopefully it's sooner than later!

Jessumca said...

hmmm.. the only problem i have well not the only problem but the only one i'll bother you about is I didn't like you to write "excess poundage" i would prefer to read: excess weight. I just don't like it when "adge" or "idge" is put at the end of real words making it a fake word.

Travis said...

im pretty sure poundage is a real word. google it.